Wormwood Scrubs Prison, 1881 Index of Prisoners

John Abrahams 1847 Bristol
John Allen 1853 Lambeth, Surrey
John Allen 1854 Birmingham
James Anderson 1858 Jarrow, Durham
John Angus 1855 Birmingham
James Armitage 1841 Newmildarn, Yorkshire
Joseph Arundel 1841 Halton, Yorkshire
William Austin 1850 Hackney, Middlesex
John Bailey 1851 Ousburn, Northamptonshire
Peter Bailey 1858 Whitechurch, Shropshire
Thomas Barnes 1847 Roddenstall, Durham
Henry Beaumont 1858 Manchester
Simeon Bird 1856 Walsall, Staffordshire
Edward Blakestone 1843 Hull, Yorkshire
Samuel Blayden 1861 Exeter
Michael Bottomley 1836 Halifax, Yorkshire
William Bowling 1829 St Lukes City
Mark Boyle 1852 Chalbury, Oxfordshire
Francis Branco 1854 Sierra Leone
Edwin Brennand 1860 Suttle, Yorkshire
Thomas Britton 1831 Bloomsbury, Middlesex
William Brown 1844 Chelsea, Middlesex
William Brown 1853 Workington, Cumberland
Frederick Burbridge 1856 Lambeth, Surrey
Ralph Burton 1856 Sunderland
Frederick Bush 1863 Cheldrey, Berkshire
Charles Butterworth 1830 Castleton, Lancashire
William Cann 1838 Dartford, Kent
Emanuel Cartwright 1848 Bilston, Staffordshire
John Carver 1843 Bishop Aukland, Durham
William Churchill 1846 Stortford, Hertfordshire
George Clayton 1855 Daventry, Northamptonshire
William Clayton 1845 Winstanley, Lancashire
James Connor 1841 Oldham, Lancashire
Joseph Cope 1841 Southwark, Surrey
Thomas Cope 1836 Wolverhampton, Staffordshire
John Corbett 1856 Nottinghamshire
John Cosh 1828 So Shields
John Cullum 1838 Norwich
John Thompson Danby 1851 Newcastle On Tyne
Charles Davies 1843 Newbridge, Glamorgan, Wales
John Davies 1856 Bridgend Bristol
Joseph Davies 1850 Highfields, Staffordshire
Thomas Davies 1847 Manchester
Thomas Davis 1843 Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales
John Day 1848 Southampton
John Dickinson 1863 Liverpool
William Dixon 1841 Egglingham, Northumberland
John Downes 1861 Lugwardine, Hereford
George Easterbrook 1847 St Mary Church, Devon
Thomas Edwards 1848 Liverpool
James Ellor 1852 Manchester
Enoch Enoch 1839 (B Subject), Germany
John Evans 1857 High Holburn, Middlesex
William Fenton 1858 West Bromwich, Staffordshire
Joseph Fish 1820 Acrington, Lancashire
John Foley 1830 Wapping, Middlesex
Chas. Jas. Folly 1845 Devonport
James Foottit 1853 Navinby, Nottinghamshire
John Fox 1849 Lynn, Norfolk
John Frazer 1842 So Shields
William Gibbons 1849 Thorociton, Devon
William Gibbs 1844 Hackney, Middlesex
George Gibson 1825 Ireland
Thomas Gooch 1860 Norwich
William Gooch 1846 Somerton, Somerset
Walter Graham 1856 Liverpool
John Green 1840 Manchester
George Gregory 1854 St Lukes City
Edward Griffiths 1847 Bilston, Staffordshire
Charles Grimwood 1837 Bricott, Suffolk
Alex Guthrie 1857 Scotland
George Haley 1847 Bradford, Yorkshire
William Hall 1845 Walton, Nottinghamshire
Alex Hardy 1837 Boughton, Kent
Francis Whitehead Hargreaves 1841 Todmorden, Yorkshire
William Harris 1853 St Phillips, Gloucestershire
Timothy Harrison 1832 Newbiggan, Cumberland
Peter Hart 1843 (British Subject), Germany
Thomas Hart 1855 Harington, Lancashire
Peter Heaton 1841 Manchester
Henry Henderson 1857 Newington, Surrey
John Henley 1831 St Pancras, Middlesex
William Heyes 1861 Liverpool, Lancashire
James Hilcup 1861 Cherry Orchard, Hereford
Mark Hill 1849 Little Risington, Gloucestershire
Geo. Ernest Chas. Hinchcliffe 1859 Holmfrith, Yorkshire
Thomas Hodges 1829 Portsmouth
George Horton 1857 Brierly Hill, Staffordshire
Jonathan Humphries 1833 Bruton, Somerset
Edward Jenner 1852 Kesham, Kent
Robert Johnson 1851 Derbyshire
William Johnson 1850 London Shepherds Bush , London, Middlesex
William Johnson 1851 Leicestershire
William Johnson 1858 Sunderland
Thomas Jones 1856 Boston BS, United States
William Jones 1834 Clitheroe, Lancashire
Thomas Langdon 1859 Stoke St Gregory, Somerset
James Larthorpe 1849 Leicestershire
Harry Lawrence 1853 Newcastle On Tyne

Harry Lawson 1848 So Shields, Durham
John Lee 1856 St James Westminster
Henry Leek 1854 St Pancras, Middlesex
Francis Geo. Lott 1859 Bermondsey, Surrey
William Maitland 1857 St Lukes City
Percy Malkin 1840 Burslan, Staffordshire
Harry Marshall 1825 Heaton, Nottinghamshire
William Marshall 1840 Bolton, Lancashire
George Martin 1847 Bristol
George May 1857 Canterbury
William Mc Kenzie 1858 Scotland
John Mc Laren 1852 Ireland
Timothy Meloy 1851 London, London, Middlesex
James Messett 1852 Ireland
Francis Mills 1840 Putney, Surrey
Charles Moon 1856 Eastbourne, Sussex
Edward Morgan 1851 Carmarthenshire, Wales
John Morgan 1842 Manchester
William Morgan 1863 Norwood, Surrey
Thomas Morrell 1846 Clapham, Surrey
Stephen Morris 1851 Westbury, Wiltshire
William Morris 1855 London City Of, London, Middlesex
Francis Muir 1833 Southwark, Surrey
William Naples 1858 Bethnal Green, Middlesex
John Naylor 1841 Thirsk, Yorkshire
Henry Neilson 1851 Norwich
James Nelson 1861 Keighley, Yorkshire
James Noble 1852 Bradford, Yorkshire
David Owen 1854 Yorkshire
Henry Palmer 1844 Birmingham
George Parker 1861 Stansted, Kent
William Partington 1840 Hyde, Cheshire
James Paul 1838 Barington, Somerset
John Phillips 1853 Wolverhampton
Thomas Pitman 1851 Crewkerne, Somerset
James Pollard 1856 Huddersfield, Yorkshire
Francis Pover 1847 St Geo Hanover Sq
George Pritlove 1851 Sanbridgeworth, Hertfordshire
William Pryor 1854 Clerkenwell, Middlesex
John Pullen 1861 Oldham, Lancashire
Harry Ramsbottom 1857 Manchester
Thomas Ratcliff 1847 Manchester
Richard Redman 1857 Accrington, Lancashire
Samuel Reeves 1860 Birmingham
George Reid 1855 Newcastle On Tyne
Arthur Rich 1857 Kurrachee BS, India
Frederick Rooke 1861 Bole, Nottinghamshire
John Roscoe 1843 Bolton, Lancashire
Joseph Rowe 1825 London, London, Middlesex
Francis Rudd 1839 Lambeth, Surrey
Edwd. Edwin Rutland 1852 Lousford, Derbyshire
James Ryan 1857 Bishop Aukland, Durham
John Sewell 1851 Bradford, Yorkshire
George Sexton 1856 Plymouth
Frederick Shaw 1843 Nottinghamshire
John Shehan 1851 Whitechapel, Middlesex
Edward Smith 1859 Bermondsey, Surrey
Francis Smith 1842 Hackney, Middlesex
Harry Smith 1829 Southwark, Surrey
James Smith 1844 Southwark, Surrey
William Harry Smith 1860 Kingswinford, Staffordshire
James St Clear 1836 Newington, Surrey
William Stanley 1839 Stepney, Middlesex
Thomas Stevens 1849 Haversham, Nottinghamshire
Henry Storey 1835 Coventry, Warwickshire
William Barratt Swain 1850 Livingfleet, Yorkshire
James Sykes 1857 Sheffield
George Tanner 1859 Rochester, Kent
William Taylor 1846 Rivington, Lancashire
William Thomas 1851 Elsworth, Cambridgeshire
David Thompson 1838 Scotland
Harry Thompson 1854 Manchester (Liverpool), Lancashire
John Thompson 1844 (BS), France
Edward Todd 1855 Lowestoff, Suffolk
William Tucker 1841 Stratford, Essex
Alfred Tuckey 1832 Birmingham
Thomas Turnbull 1844 Woolwich, Kent
William Turner 1851 Marylebone, Middlesex
Alfred Usher 1847 Ireland
Thomas Virgo 1841 Camberwell, Surrey
George Walker 1844 New Yorkshire BS
Benjamin Ward 1851 Dickenham, Norfolk
Thomas Wareing 1846 Preston, Lancashire
Charles Parnell Washington 1848 Ipswich, Suffolk
John Waterfield 1849 Woolwich, Kent
Alfred Edward Weaver 1853 Bromyard, Hereford
John Whalley 1852 Manchester
John Wheeler 1855 Warwickshire
Frank Whitbread 1855 Leeds, Yorkshire
Henry White 1859 Scotland
Joseph White 1842 Welchbucknor, Hereford
Thomas Whiteoak 1853 Bradford, Yorkshire
Edward Wilkinson 1859 Spitafields, Middlesex
Charles Williams 1851 St Giles, Middlesex
John Williams 1854 St Geo In E, Middlesex
Thomas Williams 1835 St Brevill, Gloucestershire
Edward Willis 1839 Queen Camel, Somerset
Alfred Wilson 1837 Walsley, Yorkshire
Thomas Woods 1833 Claydon, Suffolk
William Hy. Wright 1860 Sunderland, Durham
John Yapacourt 1860 Hackney

Trancriber: Tracy Day
Source: Names of prisoners in Wormwood Scrubs Prison extracted from 1881 census Harmmersmith Township, London County England