When searching for your English Blacksheep Ancestors, whether that be a prisoner, convict, inmate, felon, criminal, outlaw, gangster, bandit or scoundrel, make sure you have searched all prison records, court records and execution records that may contain genealogical information on your blacksheep ancestor.
Prisons & Convicts: Search free United Kingdom Convict & Prison records for your brick-wall ancestors
Black Sheep Ancestors: United Kingdom Blacksheep Ancestors, Biographies of Famous & Infamous Criminals, Outlaws, Executions, Gangs
Court Records: Search free United Kingdom Court records for your ancestors who were involved in legal disputes
Execution Records: Search free United Kingdom Execution records for your brick-wall ancestors

In the past, instead of using the terms prisons, penitentiaries, jails & cells, government agencies called them gaols.